Insight Wellness

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Marching On With Insight

Keep Marching On!

It’s St. Patrick’s Day! A day that elicits visions of lucky four-leaf clovers, rainbows with pots of gold at the end, and magical leprechauns.  Not to mention green beer (if that’s your thing), potatoes, and corned beef.  Thanks to the jovial nature of all the Irish folk I’ve ever met, they are all willing to baptize you Irish for the day and share their merriment ! I love this concept! I love sharing of culture, come one come all! I love celebrations; how about you?

The Irish have sayings that poke fun at the dark side of life, reminding us of the light…… so do what you must, make your decisions wisely (never with guilt) and own it! 

What does all this have to do with health and wellness? SO MUCH!  

There is nothing better than a smile, a laugh, and a shared good time (even if it’s through Zoom). Mental health, a break from the monotony of our days. may be just what you need. That being said, we all must pick and choose what constitutes a special day, right? And we do have so much to celebrate!  One year into this COVID calamity, we are here! We are finding our new routines. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. And some things really have not changed at all! 

The point of this is ENJOY LIFE, and get back to your goals. If you’ve lost your way…  stay tuned in April… We’ll take stock of where we are now, and where we want to head.  Watch for Clear Insight Club is coming, where we declare our goals, and work together in accountability to get there! I’ll be sharing exclusive tactics and we will have Free Challenges to address the most common stumbling blocks to staying on track and closing the gap between where we are and what we want.

Until then, have a happy St. Paddy’s day, eat something green, and Keep Marching On!

PS. Happy Birthday Cheers on This Day to my Mother, Alicia on her 81st Birthday! One of the healthiest women I know who lives up to the Irish saying “May the doctor never earn a pound out of you”! Here’s to 82 :)