Insight Wellness

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It’s Official ! And about TIME 🙂

Want to get and stay Healthy? Want to Make $1Million dollars? Want to be Super Joyful again? The first thing is first, THINK POSITIVE!

No longer considered “woo-woo”, a plethora of scientific tests have proven that anything from, healing illnesses, better sports performance to becoming wildly rich can be attributed to Positive Thinking, Being in the Moment, and/or some type of Meditation. We ALL can start from where we are and gain momentum to become the best versions of ourselves. It is. never too late:)

Still, some insist (and I’d agree here) “just saying positive stuff and good things will happen” is bull shite. No, if you truly want to be a happier person in all realms of your life - Potent Positive Thinking and Attitude that has everything to do with the clarity of your goal being open to guidance when it comes and consistent practice.

My first dose of PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) was administered to me by my swim coach back in 1979. He trained our whole team outside of the pool, to achieve what we wanted to have happened while inside it. With his guidance, we traded our first 1,500 yards of pool time for 20minutes of guided PMA 2x a week. He guided us to relax, he guided us to have a laser focus on our individual goals, see, hear and smell every detail of our own winning race. Some kids literally fell asleep, snoring through PMA every time, we’d practice it; their results I can’t speak to. I was only 13 and took PMA as part of our practice, I listened to the guidance as I did when in the water, resulting in an amazing year of improvement! THEN, I hit puberty (things changed)…. when my visualizations, positive thoughts and energy became laser-focused on other things …..boys! Ahhh hormones!

Not until my late 40’s would I be drawn back to these practices, to pick up the pieces of my shattered personal life post-divorce and deep unfulfillment with work. First, I remembered to calm my nerves with deep relaxing breaths. When I couldn’t sleep or be awoken by nightmares, mind racing and raging about how unfair life was, and how hard I worked and how I “deserved” to be treated. I would tune back into my breath, soothing me back to the reality of that moment, I was okay, I was safe, I had options… somewhere., “keep breathing".

I began to replace every unsettling or “unfair” thought with something positive, anything! “It was sunny today, my daughter called from college to share a tidbit from her day”. Then I found a tiny book about The Law of Attraction. I knew, concepts but also knew I needed a guide, and it felt manageable in all my chaos. IA little after 7 days a growing sense of love, I gave myself, and could access myself felt amazing - I felt stronger. I started declining offers to go out and party/deny/ forget my current situation. I chose to stay in and feed myself more positivity and gain more strength. An awareness of my own voice told me “I am better each and every day, I am doing fine, I will survive and I will thrive”. A snowballing ability to handle people and situations that would have had me spiraling a few weeks prior made me smile and feel in control again. . Literally 6 weeks time I had met someone who saw me for ME even though I was/am far from perfect, and he loves me still today.

How strange that we can forget what we once knew to feel good and be our best selves. It is when we are quiet and connects back to true positive selves we will find guidance is there for our next steps.